The roots of this Agency go back to the early 1940’s when Security Fire Insurance Company of Davenport merged with Hawkeye Casualty Company of Des Moines, Iowa. Because of overlapping Field Representatives, DeArmond Apple established the Apple Agency in Rock Island, Illinois.
In the early to mid ’50’s DeArmond Apple was joined by his two sons-in-law, Benjamin D. Farrar, Jr. and Ollie Briggs. The Agency was then known as the “Apple Briggs & Farrar” Agency. In the mid ’50’s Mr. Apple’s untimely death changed the name to Briggs & Farrar.
In 1960, Mr. Briggs and Mr. Farrar agreed to dissolve their partnership and Farrar Ins. was born. In the mid-’70’s Mr. Farrar’s two sons, Ben III and Tom entered the Agency and purchased it from their father in 1986. During the tenure of Farrar Ins. they have purchased the “Bennett Agency”, “Schillinger & Cook Agency”, “Dodge and Krueger Agency”, “Harold Schroeder Agency”, and “The Ellis Company”.